No it's not an operator who picked up a phone it was the law firm.
Yes it's clear you do not have anything else to do, we all understand that very much, your posts show that.
If you trully feel my calling them meant nothing and that I just talked to a mindless person in a cubicle, then why are you so worked up over this.
If the law firm is having people answer the phone who who can do nothing, but just make people who call them like me feel good they why are you so worked up again? Why all of your posts about how this is wrong, the paint by #'s,, slam dunk their hurting victioms.
Look we really and truly did not place the ad's, you need to calm down take a deep breath, maybe go outside get some fresh air. Maybe even find something that doesn't work you up so much to do and then call the law firm.
If you feel the guy you are talking to is a mindless idiot sitting in a cubicle you you can ask to speak to someone over him, and then someone over him.. Also you can go to their web sight and email them. And if you will not do that why are you so worked up over this, if you truly feel that when you call you can't talk to anyone that matters, than this is not a true law firm that you need to worry about.
Now take derp breaths, stop being so worked up, and clam down and call them.